National Informatics Center(NIC)
Public Works Department, U.P.
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Today is: 13-09-2024 05:06:18 PM

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Facilities to view status of data updation by field divisions has been provided in this section.

In the first section of Reporting panel, Division-wise summary status of data updation is available in Report of Format - D2. Road category-wise comparison with respect to data submitted by divisions in Yatayat Division is displayed, which is exportable to excel format for further processing.

Second section provides Division-wise report, any division can view list of roads updated with length details. Dropdown menu provides options of selection of District and Division for report display. A summary at the bottom of report provides category-wise details of updated length.

Third section of Reporting Panel provides details of km-wise updation of every road of any selected division.

With these status verification tools, monitoring of data updation has been made very user-friendly. Easy identification of missing gaps, missing roads has helped in pin-pointing the rectifications.

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Disclaimer: Data provided and updated by Uttar Pradesh Public Works Department, U.P.
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