National Informatics Center(NIC)
Public Works Department, U.P.
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Today is: 13-09-2024 04:59:22 PM
Download Proforma Sheet
  Frequently Asked Questions
Q. My division is not available in the division drop-down list on Create Profile Form?
Ans.If your division is not available in the division drop-down list on the Create Profile form,then register yourself using NA option from division drop-down list and after successfull registration kindly email us your division and we will add your division in our division list and finally you will be informed to update your profile for your actual division.
Q. What should I do when no. of Km(s) of a Road is less then the actual no. of km(s) on Data Entry Form?
Ans. In this case, you just fill all information upto km(s) appear on the Data Entry Form and for the rest of the km(s) which are not available on the data entry from,please download proforma sheet on the top-right corner of this page and enter data of missing km's in that proforma sheet and send us the proforma sheet on our email-id and we will update our record(s) accordingly.
Q. Why the km(s) are repeated twice,thrice or more times for any road?
Ans. Actually there is inventory data for different chainage points corrsponding to same km of a road.So if any km is given two or more times for any road, then there is differnce in their inventory chainage points and for each inventory chainage points there is different Surface Type or Pavment Width.
Disclaimer: Data provided and updated by Uttar Pradesh Public Works Department, U.P.
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