National Informatics Center(NIC)
Public Works Department, U.P.
[Beta Version]
Today is: 13-09-2024 05:01:43 PM


As per the mandate of Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) a "GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) BASED ROAD INFORMATION SYSTEM (RIS)" has to be implemented in the State in order to further the cause of e-Governance. In pursuance of this goal UP PWD took initiative and launched on the program of implementing GIS based RIS. In the process NIC was consulted, NIC suggested a very cost effective method of creating GIS enabled Road network using data of Road Survey undertaken by Public Works Department (PWD) for collection of Inventory, Condition, Bridges, Culvert, Traffic data and events of roads of Uttar Pradesh including:

  1. National Highway
  2. State Highway
  3. Major District Roads
  4. Other District Roads
  5. Village Roads

For this survey, a special vehicle named ROMDAS has been used which has GPS and camera mounted on it. In this survey, kilometer-wise information has been collected and along with other parameters, latitude and longitude of location reference points like kilometer stones, culverts, bridges, railway crossings, population limits etc have also been collected.

Latitude and longitude information of location reference points made this data GIS enabled and by joining the kilometer stones road have been generated and overlaid on Google map. Similarly, bridges, railway crossings, culverts etc have also been displayed on Google Map using the coordinates. All non-spatial data/attributes have been linked to respective Kilometers. This application has been generated for the use of public to view connectivity and condition details. It is used for data updating by PWD officials through password, reporting, extraction of data for analysis and design purposes.

Disclaimer: Data provided and updated by Uttar Pradesh Public Works Department, U.P.
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